Dredge is a floating device equipped with mechanisms, aggregates and appliances that is used for underwater soil treatment, reaching soil, transportation to necessary place and unloading. With the help of a dredge You can please Your wishes in most different fields of activities: clean reservoirs from pond or sediment well of a factory to dredging a river or lake, obtain sand and gravel from industrial pools and mud from lakes.
Dredging device is a powerful pump, which is largely mounted on floating pontoons, mostly it is called a dredger. Different models of dredgers are needed for different feasible work and fields of usage, depending on specific conditions, where dredge is used, structure of soil, depth of treatment, transportation distance and also height of raising the soil, existence of roads for delivery of the dredger and presence of electricity, autonomous system of fuel and lubricants, existence of maintenance ships, weather conditions and many other circumstances. Productivity of dredgers is very different – from 10m³ per hour until 200m³ per hour in case of soil, which has processing depth from 0,5 to 12-15m from surface. Additional devices are contemporary – beginning with force aggregates to controllable and measuring devices. A team of not more than two persons is needed and leading the dredge is held from warm and comfortable room by the help of oberating levers and buttons.
What for do we need a dredge? Perhaps You are owner of a reservoir for the first time. It could be a pond, lake or over-flooded industrial pool. You have done everything: appropriate permissions from local municipality, supervision department. You have made up Your mind, which benefit You would like to have from the reservoir: is it just cleaning it from mud or also dredging the ground, or to get silt or other resources like peat, clay etc.
Considering that the reservoir belongs to Your company for a long time, the sediment tank needs to be cleaned by that time – we can help You.
Second step – purchasing special technics for underwater excavating. Using a dredge is the most suitable method to conduct this kind of excavations. Specialists who have been dealing with hydromechanisms for a long time make the selection of model really fast, though even they are mistaken sometimes.
Logistics, loading – unloading on plot, pulling to water. The smaller the weight of device and overall dimensions (especially in case of a strong-structured device), the cheaper and reachable are transportation of device and crane equipment and the easier it is to pull the dredge to water. Dismounting is simplified by small amount of blocks, preferably without taken apart the leading cabin nor the main aggregate.